Some sacrifices had to be made, but otherwise, this is an extremely well-made DS title.
Considering the less powerful hardware, this version of The Complete Saga does an admirable job of cramming the console game onto the DS. The company's background with the license has definitely worked in the game's favor. This time, however, LucasArts decided to take the portable version seriously by letting Traveller's Tales design this game from the ground up for the DS. In the past, LucasArts handed the GBA and DS games off to developers other than Traveller's Tales, the creators of the excellent console versions of the games. It looks like we weren't the only ones concerned about this game. It would be an understatement to say that we were somewhat wary of this new attempt to cram all six LEGO-ized Star Wars adventures onto Nintendo's portable system. The two GBA titles range in quality from not-very-good to rather bad, and the last DS version was a promising game wrapped in layers of glitches and game-breaking bugs.
Aside from the excellent PSP version of the previous game in the series, the LEGO Star Wars games have not had much luck on handheld systems.